Monday, May 21, 2007

Apply for what you need

Until you find new and/or suitable employment, don't feel ashamed to apply for help.

There's Food Stamps, Medicaid, Aid for Dependent Children, Unemployment. You may not qualify for any or all of these, but the worse thing is you spend a little bit of your time applying and being denied. You never know until you try.

Also, some, if not all of these can be applied for online. You will most likely have an in person interview for some of these, but you can possibly get the ball rolling right from home.

Some states have work alliances that you can possibly use their resources to look for employment.

Talk to the companies that you have bills with. Let them know your situation, and see if you can make arrangements to still pay your bills, but they may be late. Many companies will be happy to work with you, if you have always been on time with your bills. It's better than having your utilites cut off, losing your car, car insurance, etc.

Talk to family about getting a small loan to tide you over. I've used this method. Since I've never borrowed large amounts it was easy to pay back. Sometimes we use the barter system. I would do small jobs for them, as payment. If you aren't working, you should have some spare time.

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